Share your feedback with CTG

CTG members are encouraged to:

  • Contact us if you would be interested in contributing to CTG’s response to an informal HMRC consultation on three specific options for extending VAT grouping to specified non-corporate entities.
  • Contact us if you have received unexpected requests for tax returns from HMRC, or unexpected challenges to your returns.
  • Provide feedback on amendments to the Charities SORP which are considered necessary as a result of the changes made in December 2017 to FRS 102. These changes include the clarification of the accounting treatment for payments by subsidiaries to their charitable parents that qualify for gift aid. Read more here.
  • Contact us if you have been advised that in future your HMRC inspections may be conducted entirely through virtual means, rather than traditional face-to-face meetings. We understand that this is being trialled at present and would welcome feedback on how your charity would feel about this.
  • Provide feedback on the draft legislation and VAT Notice that will introduce Making Tax Digital for VAT. You should consider asking any third-party providers of accountancy software whether they will be ready for MTD by April 2019.
  • Provide feedback on two key Gift Aid issues on which CTG has been asked to provide proposals to HMRC:
    • the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on Gift Aid, particularly in relation to the future of enduring declarations
    • what the future of Gift Aid looks like, considering issues such as how to maximise Gift Aid in the face of digital transformation.
  • Join the new Business Rates working group or tell us if you receive any correspondence from local councils reviewing any of your existing reliefs. The group will be considering a response to the consultation on business rates in multi-occupied properties (the deadline for comments is 23 February 2018)
  • Help us to improve the Gift Aid donor benefits guidance – submit feedback here
  • Share feedback on how your charity has been affected by the Apprenticeship Levy so far (e.g. cost so far, amount of levy used or expected to be used)
  • Share details of any challenges to VAT zero rating on advertising by agencies
  • Share your experiences of registering with the Trusts Registration Service

Send any comments to or call the Secretariat on 020 7222 1265.