Register to join the Charity Tax Group
Membership for charities
You can register for your charity to join the Charity Tax Group and gain access to our regular newsletter on charity tax news and developments. Members also have access to our regular events where we discuss all things charity tax and give you a space to discuss the issues that are important to you.
All charities are entitled to register as a member free of charge, although we do ask organisations to make a voluntary contribution to help cover the costs of their membership if they can.
You can join charity tax group by filling in the form below. If your organisation is already a member of the Charity Tax Group it will be listed in the drop down box and you can add yourself as a user of that membership account. If it isn’t listed you can simply select other from the bottom of the list and your organisation will be added to the system.
You can make a donation here.
Membership for professional firms
If you work at a firm that advises the charity sector on tax you can also become a member for a fee that is tiered dependent on your size and location – further details are available on request and firms are welcome to trial the service for up to a month on a complimentary basis.
If your organisation is already a member of the Charity Tax Group, it will be listed in the drop-down box. If not, please select other from the bottom of the list, so that we can add you to the system.
Subscribe to our newsletter
If you are an individual, not linked to a charity or professional firm but are interested in Charity Tax you can subscribe to our regular newsletter by filling in the form at the bottom of the page (below the membership form).